The Histadrut America needs to be established now !

President Trump’s initiated executive order bringing America’s Jewish Community into federal guidelines as a nationality to protect Jewish Students / Scholars from Anti – Jewish campus attacks needs a recognized Israeli most successful NGO to initiate a campus Jewish unionization.

Thus a secular entity whose purpose likewise represents collective bargaining over both wages, and equal representations by Jewish campus consent in all academia’s pedagogy to insure Jewish national rights.

This is to develop a check and balance to insure the administration of President Trump does not overstep such rights, but to allow such issue Presidential order to bring into existence by paid Jewish campus memberships in the Histadrut to form a campus Jewish union.

Thus to insure that both the campus Jewish community, and the academic administrative body is vested by campus Jewish consent their issue to resolve protections of its Jewish academic community is finally resolved; thus protecting from any outside interventions – including the Federal Government of the USA.
Now needed is the necessity to start membership sales to the Histadrut within the campus wide  [ both on and off campus ] Jewish Community to promote an academic recognize secular Jewish campus union of Jewish students / scholars, faculty, staff, alumni, and those within the campus administration who are Jewish themselves.
The historic precedent for such Jewish Rights Actions was established during the 70s by The North American Jewish Students’ Network as per the following link .

The Search for ‘ An Objective ‘ Jewish American Agenda of Inherited Jewish Ethnic ‘ Centered ‘ Rights.

Nationalists’ Jewish Resistance to Combat Covert Assimilation. The Ethnic Liberation of American Jewry.

The Nationalist’s Resistance = Discovery..

The establishment of community Chug Chavurahs to facilitate Settlement Houses for outreach to / for unaffiliated Jewish Americans and Israelis for the purpose of developing an ethnic core community to promote The Infra State Nation of Israel. Upon which the further establishment of Israeli / Jewish ” Nationalists’ Community centers and after being  established are open to the adjacent Jewish Community memberships. That upon completion of the Settlement House to the final construction of Israeli Jewish Nationalists’ Community Centers the identity of such acquired becomes Jewish Israel / US Israelis.


The core citizenship of being an Israeli is the World Jewry role model for all in the Jewish diaspora.  Thus in The United States is the Gal Gadot challenge as she presents herself as a Jewish role model as well.

The defining aspect of citizenship as a model resistance to covert assimilation, and thereby maintained personal Jewish Rights and Heritages:
The creation of such a community, the necessity, and extension of developing core leadership is the development of role model citizenship responsibilities to join the local National Guard Units / Military Reserves in which the military culture
[ Which also may include certain degrees of secret security clearances.] of Unit Cohesion is therefore, becomes transcended into Pro – Self Security Community Cohesion, and a define Pro – Nationalists’ leadership as well – with established standings within American internal security { I.E. The National Security Agency }.


The central immediate benefit is the positive impact of future employers accepting resumes which have a service record to be at the head of the list to be hired. This likewise mimics The Israeli Private sector as well which includes US Military service in the same interests hiring those who served in The Israeli Defense Forces.
The overall objective is to Marry Jewish, and to advance Jewish child
rearing cultural futures as well as to create a cultural outreach,
The ” Prime Cultural Outreach “..
Mesorah field operations, to counter the escalation rates of Mix Jewish – Non Jewish Marriages by direct action in which to bring the Non Jewish spouse into the Jewish fold with cooperation of the Orthodox Young Israel Movement.
Therefrom and wherefore Credit Unions are then created and their US Israel sponsored housing projects establishes an extended community from either memberships from the local Settlement House, or Israel / Jewish Nationalists’ Community Centers.  In addition both Reconstruction [ for those of more secular observances ], and Young Israel congregations will be the two alternatives as suggested only of each member to choose and therefore promoted. At the core of The Nationalists’ resistance is the central rally to The Thirteen Principles of Jewish Faith for ” All ” American Jewry.

That in such Nationalists’; development by and for individual ” Birthrights ‘ are Auto Jewish Israelis of The Jewish State of Israel.

All the above has been obtained by reviews with both social networks of Twitters, Facebook pages / groups, and others.   They also give vivid importance to the PEW reviews, and why the conference between Israelis and American Jewry failed in Atlanta, Georgia.


This article is their Nationalists’ consensus of resistance and how such resistance is viewed in the promotion of The Ethnic Liberation [ The rise of a Jewish private sector by marketing cultural industrial goods and services ] of American Jewry and ” Birthrights  Aliyah ”

Thus Settlement Houses also becomes each community’s garinim [ with business plans for startups. ] to produce additional settlements, or industries in The Jewish State of Israel and the future unification of American Jewry and Jewish Israeli to create role model civilizations in both the Middle East and The United States. The crux of which is Jewish futures in child rearing.



Israeli Population Growth Futures Assured.

Why women should be allowed to join The Israeli Defense Forces, and why are they do so now.
The qualities of civilizations are solely determine by one fact issue alone, and no other.
That issue is:Rape and Consent.The issue of a Woman’s / Womyn’s consent, and the ethnic connectives between World Jewry and the Peoples of both India, and China are all against Rape.
The historic issue of a Woman’s consent, and their ethnic connectives between World Jewry and the Peoples of both India, and China is central to this awareness / self – reflections. The single discovery of the loss of the Mother at the first, and sadly Child Birth was mostly connected and is a continued response of her Post Traumatic Stress Rape Induced Disorder — which was further modified by additional abuse by the same attacker. Often the child was also lost. Thus both these societies were the First to be organized civilizations were able to procreate successful increased birth rates by consent alone.
This continues to this day.
This was also central to the evolution of the Family Community Structures of the. then, Captive Nation of Israel witnessed by the Early Dynasties of Egypt which prompted the legacy of Mosses and his escape of being put to the sword as an infant. The Egyptians saw and could not comprehend the rapid population explosions they  came as a result of Consent to the Mother surviving her first child birth increased frequencies. The additional aspect of the rapid rise of population increase under the slavery or captivity by Egypt represented the early stages of Jewish / Israel National resistance which Moses was able to assert his leadership. This also represented his at times fair judgments towards the rights of women when compared to other existing societies of his time and era. Moreover, in his administrative experiences before his exile he saw the connections between forced labor, sexual unions, and slavery under the rule of Egypt. Thus he could not ignore the gleaming success of his kin.
What the Arabs fear are the varied connections between consent and healthy population growths which they are unable to establish themselves, and thus the additional modifications of the Dhimmi prohibitions in areas which there were increases to birth rates among Non – Muslims.
This is the critical aspect of the ends of the National Liberation of The Jewish Peoples, and why assimilation of Jewry to other beliefs or ethnicities have opposite affects. The critical aspect of a Woman’s consent is the driving engine for Israeli population success in which inclusion of women in the Israeli Defense Forces have proved their positive aspect once becoming reservist, and wives. Increases in their consented  birthrates hinges on their economic standings within Israeli society, and that their ability of getting better paying jobs has been linked to her service in the IDF. This also reflects an instinctual drive against threats of extinction, voiced now  by Arab inspired International hatred of Israel, as well, and the silent resistance answer to the Holocaust outside Rabbinical authority-as it is that ” gendered ” personal. The same is even more graphic among the Orthodox settlers in the West Bank leading their fellow communities in Pre June 1967 borders in actual birth rates. The religious connections between Consent and Settlements with Rabbinical authority unaware of why.
This is also the cornerstone of why Israeli Dads are the bests.
Thus with this in mind there are further connections which need to be made between the People of Israel, India, and China as the evolution of their civilizations were able to focus and facilitate the rise of a woman’s rights to consent, and that rape is a crime against society and a danger to ones nation itself.
RMC Recognized volunteered researcher Anti – Rape Task Force. State University of New York at Buffalo [ Documented 1990 to 1992. ]

Contemporary Lesson of Moses Hess / Rome and Jerusalem.


An Educational Review with additional important perspectives which make the following the center of attentions for all World Jewry NOW!:
******************** Moses Hess *********************
^^^^Rome and Jerusalem: The Last National Question^^^^
Published 1862
As per the enclosed link…..
The book was the first Zionist writing to put the question Jewish nationalism in the context of European nationalism.
Hess blended secular as well as religious philosophy, Hegelian dialectics, Spinoza’s pantheism and Marxism.[1]
It was written against the background of German Jewish assimilationism, German antisemitism and German antipathy to nationalism arising in other countries. Hess used terminology of the day, such as the term “race”, but he was an egalitarian who believed in the principles of the French Revolution, and wanted to apply the progressive concepts of his day to the Jewish people.
None the less, if he would have been more educated in the actual terms which brought about the Thirteen Principles of Jewish Faith and its central conflict with emerging European Empires, and the ancient aggressive Roman Empire they all attempted to copy he would have taken the next step.
He would have fore saw the Roman Hellenization of then EXISTING Jewish Doctrine according the Jewish central Temple culture of Jerusalem, and therefore the necessity of LAUNCHING THE FOURTH JEWISH REVOLT INTERNATIONALLY..
At the end of several civil and social wars, and then the three Jewish revolts against the Roman Empire Roman thinkers of the time realized they needed an additional means to pacify the emerging population explosions created by the safety stability of both the Armies and logistical roads of the Roman Empire. Issues ot Roman Citizenship only worked for those Non – Natives as part of their upper middle class standings, So what was for the rest who were not as productive.
Everyone or most knows the story. There was a small Jewish sect and of which in review of failures of the Three Jewish Revolts became more. more, more popular, and then one Roman General with an aggressive mother name Helena decided he found what could assist Rome in maintaining its Empire with a whole new core of loyal subjects of the Empire and not through granting of Roman citizenship which most could not afford or buy His first use of this sect help his military campaign and he knew it would consolidate his political hold over Rome by the new loyalist he would bring into the Empire from its growing popularity among the populations of different cultures / ethnic groups of the Middle East and Greek regions along with their gold following into his holdings as well as his mother’s coffers.
Thus Roman Emperor Constantine pushed and established The Council of Nicaea, (325) became his unifying political and spiritual workshops, which he oversaw [ which in irony was never a member of this sect. or the ethos it emerged into ],their pockets lined with his gold, and they chartered the Nicene Creed. In every turn those who were of Jewish ancestries and were actual Jews themselves found their holds completely gone, but with his Roman legions looking on they lost their influences and a new separate religious ethos emerged.
**************************Why ?*******************************
Rome desperately needed a means to hold the empire together at less cost, from which a needed stability would create an expansion of trades to meet the additional demands of a rapid Non – Roman population explosion while their own population were in decline.
In order at the same time to prevent a more International Jewish Revolt necessitated a new religious ethos as well, but more importantly to capture and constrict Judaism with an impossed surrender to the Greeco – Roman civilization, and this time one in which would emasculate national identities all together and therefore creating an impacted docile citizenry. To further isolate any connections this ethos would have with Roman Jewry restrictions were placed against their Jewish populations,
To maintain regional control Roman Emperor Constantine built Constantinople which lowered the prestige of the Roman Senate, and additional attentions were all distracted by the regional wide resulting building booms. His mother Helena went on a building spree in an around Jerusalem in which at first there were hostile actions, but with her sons legions protections. the local Jewish communities [ there was no total evacuations of Middle East Jewry from Erez Yisroel by Rome ] were imposed in observing the Nicene Creed – The first rise of Crypto – Judaism link following as well. Observe or become a slave.
Mosses Hess was very, very, very correct in his publication for he fore saw the necessity of a secular view towards Jewish Nationalism while not attempting to isolated those who were spiritual.
Its logical ends of what he foresaw which would mean THE FOURTH JEWISH REVOLT – which now in some way is now happening.
In all fore told stories of the emergence of the Jewish State of Israel is directly vested with his vision as well, Thus in the same secular manner…which is how this post was written.
Rally to Thirteen Principles of Jewish Faith. For anything else, at least to me is Greek. RMC

Child Rearing in The Jewish State of Israel.


Information wanted: Please send your reports, news features, academic papers, other information feeds, and any online links you know of which covers Child Rearing in the Jewish State of Israel. The information provided will be used in seminars and other events which supports the following:
” The Jewish Citizens of the The Jewish State of Israel have made several historic positive steps forward their creation of the Israeli Civilization which has proved that Jewish Traditions are not only those of the past, but are more importantly for those [ i.e. serving in the Israeli Defense Forces ] evolving futures to come.
The Centrality of which is:
The single resolve of the Jewish Peoples themselves in their / our deep personal human total reflections of the remembrance of the horrors of the Holocaust is to present to The World their / our Jewish answer in making The Jewish State of Israel The First Modern [ which means encompassing both The Jewish and Non-Jewish Worlds ] Child Rearing Centered Base Civilization of both the 20th and 21st Centuries. You [ to the Non-Jewish World ] will no longer Blood Libel [ hate based killings of the Jewish Peoples ] us anymore within your Non-Human monster created superstitions, nor are we to answer in like manner according to your hate behaviors which are the basis of all your superstitions you have of us. For the Central Jewish centered tradition of Love we hold most dear are reflected in how we raise our children of which the extension thereof is the creation and basis of our Israeli civilization, both in its present development and future modifications to come. Then the World will know the truth why we will kill those FIRST who seek to kill any of our Greater Jewish Family and why the Jewish Peoples will stand with any other peoples side by side in any alliance to likewise fight for the destruction of those who promotes hate,
We are in reflections of our peoples diversities both spiritual, and secular hinge all our dedications to develop a prolific positive dynamic profile of what it means to follow our Thirteen Principles of Jewish Faith of which our bridge in our developing Israeli civilization is to add to our ever growing families are likewise to Marry Jewish. The basis of our Child Rearing Centered base begins in the peoples persona establishment of such a bridge [ The reality connection between those who are secular and those who are spiritual ]. That the covenant between a man and woman should always be held with utmost privacy – where those of a spiritual or those of a secular cause for such are covenants / unions have the rights of being private / secret. The single National resolve for to Marry Jewish is predicated in maintaining the greater Jewish family connections to both Abraham and Sarah covenanted to ownership of all of Erez Yisroel,
That the visions in establishing a family held between a woman and a man is their loving richness of sharing ones life is manifested in loving terms is the rearing of both ones child, That when one, both Jewish and Non – Jewish views who are the Jewish Peoples both now and into the future they we come to know the value of what it means to be loving parents, the central providers of the Israel Civilization and their Love of ones Child the final extension The Torah. ”
This is the Jewish answer to a world of hate.
Please email your information, as well as leads to additional information to Seminars are projected to start Mid – February 2018. Thank you for your attentions .. ” B. H. ” More importantly you all should start your own seminars based on such a focus on Israeli Child Rearing as well and that is more important of what I can do,,,,, Roger….

This day of the Jackals January 15, 2017

A call for resistance,  The Paris so called Peace Conference is about to be upon us. This day of the Jackals January 15, 2017.


What I mean by ” us ” those who stand in the defense of the Walls of United Jewish Jerusalem which is the heart of The Jewish State of Israel. The Jewish signal post of all humanity and peace unto all nations among themselves echo by those who have been faithful to both The Torah and Zionism united in The Jewish State of Israel, Most important in such a call is the single defense of all human civilizations which is also at stake. The world must not be allowed to go under as the Germans once did in their self – destruction of their own German great civilization destroyed by the ashes remains of their Murder and Genocide of European Jewry so that one man could become their g – d. H – t — r as we must vow never to spell his name.
Israel is the geopolitical keystone of the entire Middle East and of which the PA, and the PLO needs to instigate their own morbid revolution to bring about a United Arab Nation. Any and all efforts, along with their petty calls for a State of Palestine, is totally circumspect to this one goal only. They seek what they have learned from what the German allowed themselves to become as a plan to bring Europe under their direct influences to assist in this endeavor, That endeavor is to first enslave the Jewish State of Israel by International constricting agreements hidden or masked under the words of being peace initiatives and various other accords, and thereby casting its political victories as a darken shadow among the Arab World, They, the PA / PLO will be able to say they will dictate terms to the Jewish State of Israel and World Jewry among passionate Arab youth to their flags of Arab Liberation,.
Lets not allow the Jewish State of Israel become so besieged as to bring Modern Jewish History to witness the coming of Masada renewed tragedy and death of Jewish Resistance against Rome,
And in such call for resistance be also fore warned that next target of International opportunity as a result of Paris, is the two off shore Israeli natural gas finds in of which is of interest,likewise, of Russia;s Putin, and Turkey,

” B. H. ” The National Jewish Peoples Liberation of The Torah NOW “

This reflects the unknown and yet discoveries of what Zionism is today.  I.E. Ha ‘ Mesorah Ha ‘ Yisroel B’ Arez and if focuses on the needed double return to the foundation blocks itself in order to have a Jewish, then to Yisroel’s  connections to The Torah itself. Which can be only be facilitated by the Peoples of The Jewish State of Israel in their broadest democratic terms.


This became all too apparent when United States Secretary of State John Kerry made the historic Anti – Jewish Superstition center comment. ” A State Cannot Be Both Jewish and Democratic. ”

This the following posting was immediately made in response to this Official historic Anti – Jewish Slur and reveals the need to come to terms with the end game of Zionism itself, and its future role through a total liberated Jewish State of Israel. A state in the throws of Democracy findings and  who are now undergoing The Historic The First Child Rearing Centered Base Civilization  within the both the 20 th and the 21 st centuries the Jewish / Israeli answer to both the Genocide of European Jewry, and the attempted Genocide of Middle East Jewry which was initiated by the First and Second Arab invasions of Erez Yisroel.


The time has come for the Historic Forensics, the DNA of Erez Yisroel to facilitate the return of the Ethnic Judeans of their ancestral Jewish roots in addition to their being historic victims to forced conversion to Arab Islam in the Arab invasions of Erez Yisroel, including both rape and sodomy rape in their national physical and sexual demonstrations of power over Middle East Jewry; their,the Arab Nation masters over the ethnic Judeans, which exist today in the West Bank. Thus, this the new political edge of National Liberation and the rise of the Ethnic Judeans.


And as the following facebook postings.

Truth within the Middle East with regards to the present scope of solutions and state status has always ignored the internal dynamics of a people who for ever reason have been identified as Palestinian, None for ever has ever been wise is that within this term beats the hearts of a greater representative ethnic identity, and other minor identities than this term itself. It was and still is, in addition, here within the US another term known as ” Diversity “.
It has been the overall failure of Western Powers to recognize within the term, Palestinian,and its perception to the peoples ” diversities “; the Judeans, the Arabs, the Grecco-Romans, the Euros, and the Bedouin existing within the West Bank.
Among which has caused a wider cap of those whose real primary ethnological .identity being Ethnically Jewish, and further have political separate the future of their families in finding a living and prosperous life B ‘ Arez. Thus the continuation of their historic centered crime of being victims to forced conversions to Arab Islam centuries ago has left a tragic circumstances in which to find a living with happiness caused by political and ethnic suppression of the Arab dictates of a corrupt Palestinian Authority.
The roots of return have always had a political edge in as much as its has indicated that in order for World Jewry to have a single right to defend common human dignity of self as being Jewish demanded a Jewish State. That political edge became both cultural, social, and spiritual once Jewish Settlements alone appeared, and a nationality was created. However, the historic return of those living on the land did not begin their return to their ethnic Jewish roots for they have never were granted their central rights to self – determination ever,,,,,,, their historic loss of dignity,.Leaving the early settlers ignorant of their potential and future allies for a Free Jewish State with full dignity of Yisroel.
The final peace within the land is likewise so based and not false political expectations of two state status to qualify itself to the interest of either Western Powers, or the Arab Nation, The reality is that those whose Historic Forensics, DNA, have their own path to return, They will have to make the harder return than those who first constructed and are constructing Settlements, It may be in the histories ahead that their return signify the real power of The Torah. Science is neither political nor have any form of discrimination as science is about provable truths to project upon the Human map progressive discoveries.

It is now time for those living, hoping, and with awesome anxieties about their future to make the choice for their return, in as much as it is for them to discover either their own real ethnology, and then The Torah study fist.

Join in the issue by joining United Jewish Israel One State Solution @

Thus uncovering a new challenge of both idealism and human discoveries which will shock the world in the real evils it will uncover finally.

Thus my answer to John Kerry from a Vietnam Veteran


A state in the throws of Democracy findings and  who are now undergoing The Historic The First Child Rearing Centered Base Civilization  within the both the 20 th and the 21 st centuries the Jewish / Israeli answer to both the Genocide of European Jewry, and the attempted Genocide of Middle East Jewry which was initiated by the First and Second Arab invasions of Erez Yisroel. To include by total National Liberation the Israelis, and ethnic Judeans upon the future of their children,

Shalom: Origins of the Israel Information Center Ithaca

The Israel Information Center Ithaca is based upon the model ” Israel Information Center at The State University of New York at Buffalo  ” which had its beginning during the 1974 – 1975.  Then at Camp Ramah, an old hackshrah, and Bedar training camp during April, 1975. The North American Jewish Students’ Network sponsored a nation wide students strategy campus program. There the first nation wide Jewish students program was launched under the title… Israel Awareness Week of April, 1976 depending of each campus academic calendar.  244 campuses participated in both the United States and Canada. Moreover, its International parent organization, The World Union of Jewish Students helped in the facilitation of speakers and cultural publications, and saw a massive influx of volunteers participating in its Israel program Arad Project Development Town.

This was the radical 1970s and the offerings of volunteer programs cover areas of labor in the fields of Israeli agriculture all the way to assisting in Sherut La’ Am Programs which are Israeli developing communities which are in the processing the influx of ole hadashim – new immigrants to Israel.






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